How to increase max transmit power of CPE210 to 27dBm
Asalam o alikum Bortherts and sisters. Today i will show you , how you can increase maximum transmit power of CPE 210 from 11dBm to 27dBm.
In CPE 210 , under Wireless tab there is a setting for “Transmit Power” which can be increased , so that signal travels to long distances .
By default the maximum power for CPE 210 can be increased to only 11dBm, which is not much and hence signal will not travel to far off distances.
To increase the power to 27dBm , following configurations are required:
- You need to activate “Test mode” by logging in to CPE 210using SSH .
- Then change the Country in Wireless Settings to “United States”.
As soon as you change the country , you would be able to increase the power to 27dBm .
Don’t forget to watch the video tutorial.